Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
Our Provincial Prior in the Chair of his Craft Lodge
In February, our Provincial Prior, RE.Kt. Patrick Crossan, invited Peter Brown, Bryan Spearman from Sussex, and myself to his Craft Lodge as his personal guests. Lodge of Grand Design, into which our Provincial Prior was initiated in 1980, meets at the Barn Hall, Great Bookham, a unique venue.

Our Provincial Prior in the Chair of his Craft Lodge

The main item on the agenda was to demonstrate the Ceremony of Raising. Our Provincial Prior, supported by the Officers of the Lodge, conducted an excellent ceremony.

After the Lodge was closed we all sat down to a lovely meal in the Harrison Room at Barn Hall where everyone toasted the health of the Worshipful Master. It was so good to see our Provincial Prior looking so well after his accident.

Article and photograph by Chris Eley