Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
Installation Meeting of Emmaus Preceptory
In April, Emmaus Preceptory No. 446 held their Installation meeting at Surbiton Masonic Hall.

E.Kt. Jim Thompson, the Acting Eminent Preceptor, opened the meeting of Emmaus Preceptory and welcomed everyone, with a special welcome to the Provincial Prior of Surrey, RE.Kt. Patrick Crossan.

A eulogy was given by E.Kt. Chris Eley, Provincial Marshal, for E.Kt. Michael White, PGtHer, who sadly passed away in February.

E.Kt. Jim Thompson then installed the Preceptor Elect, E.Kt. Denis May into the Chair of the Preceptory, following which E.Kt. Denis appointed and invested his Officers.

Installation Meeting of Emmaus Preceptory

The Eminent Preceptor gave a most interesting talk on ‘The Creation’, after which the Preceptory was closed and a Priory of Knights of Malta was opened.

E.Kt. Jim Thompson, the Acting Eminent Prior, installed the Prior Elect, E.Kt. Denis May, into the Chair of the Priory. The Malta Officers of the year 2019 – 2020 were appointed and invested by the Eminent Prior. The Emmaus Priory was then closed.

Installation Meeting of Emmaus Preceptory

Pictured here is our Provincial Prior with E.Kt. Graham McGlashen, a member of his Bodyguard who was installed as Eminent Preceptor of Sacryham Preceptory in January and is soon to be a joining member of Emmaus Preceptory.

Afterwards the Knights of Emmaus Preceptory dined together in fraternal union at the Surbiton Masonic Hall.

Article and photographs by Chris Eley