Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
A visit to the Provincial Priory of Middlesex
In July, a number of Surrey Knights attended the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Middlesex held at Cole Court, Twickenham.

A visit to the Provincial Priory of Middlesex

The meeting was presided over by the Provincial Prior of Middlesex, RE Kt John Roberts. During the meeting the Preceptory Banners were paraded into Provincial Priory by the Preceptory Banner Bearers attended by the Eminent Preceptors while the Provincial Hymn, Non Nobis Domine, was sung.

A visit to the Provincial Priory of Middlesex

There were many RE and VE Knights present, along with the Provincial Executive from the other Orders in Middlesex. Here is our Provincial Prior with the Provincial Prior of Middlesex.

A visit to the Provincial Priory of Middlesex

After the meeting we were treated to a splendid lunch at Cole Court with Knights of the Provincial Priory of Middlesex and their guests from other Provinces.

Article and photographs by Chris Eley