Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
The February Meeting of St Michael at Bisley Preceptory
Due to the suspension of Masonic activity, on Wednesday 10th February 2021 the Brother Knights of St Michael at Bisley Preceptory No 693 held their first Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom video conferencing tool.

The February Meeting of St Michael at Bisley Preceptory

The meeting was organised by the Registrar, Eminent Knight Jim Smith, chaired by the Eminent Preceptor, Brian Watson, and hosted by Eminent Knight Garry Lewis – the Preceptory Treasurer.

There were 17 members of the Preceptory at the meeting and everyone agreed that it was so good to be able to meet up again, albeit virtually.

Article and photo by Garry Lewis