Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
Emmaus Preceptory Virtual Business Meeting
Due to the suspension of Masonic activity, on Monday 26th April 2021 the Brother Knights of Emmaus Preceptory No 693 held a Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom video conferencing tool. Present were our Provincial Prior, RE.Kt. Patrick P Crossan, our Provincial Sub Prior, E.Kt. Peter Brown, our Provincial Vice Chancellor, E.Kt. Miguel Godfrey and other Provincial Officers.

Emmaus Preceptory Virtual Business Meeting

The Presiding Officer, E.Kt. Denis May, Eminent Preceptor, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone, wishing them an enjoyable meeting.

Emmaus Preceptory Virtual Business Meeting

The Acting Chaplain, E.Kt. Len Moreton, Provincial Prelate, said a prayer for His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh and Brother knights of the Preceptory who had sadly passed away since our last meeting.

The Recorder, E.Kt. Garry Lewis read the Dispensation to hold the meeting and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Emmaus Preceptory Virtual Business Meeting

After the Treasurer, E.Kt. Ron Brick had presented the accounts a discussion took place regarding charitable donations. The Preceptory approved a sum of £100 to support Angus Cameron in his walk to raise funds for the St John at Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

It was also proposed that the sum of £250 be donated by the Preceptory towards the Surrey Mark 2022 Festival. E.Kt. Chris Eley, Provincial Marshal, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, thanked the Preceptory on behalf of the Mark Province of Surrey for their very generous donation. Also present was their Provincial Grand Secretary, E.Kt. Tim Ford, and their Provincial Grand Charity Steward, E.Kt. Steve Jones.

Emmaus Preceptory Virtual Business Meeting

The Provincial Prior. RE.Kt. Patrick P Crossan, addressed the Brother Knights thanking them for their generous donation, not just to the Mark 2022 MBF Festival but also for their support for the Knights Templar 20 for 2020 Appeal on behalf of The St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group.

He said that last year has been a challenge for all of us. It has been decided to hold the Annual Meeting on Saturday 10th July as a Virtual Business Meeting. However he is looking forward to the Emmaus meeting in September when he will be able to invest the Provincial Officers in person.

The Presiding Officer, E.Kt. Denis May, Eminent Preceptor, then declared the meeting closed.

Article and photos by Chris Eley