Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey
Due to the suspension of Masonic activity the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey was held as a Virtual Business Meeting on Saturday 10th July 2021. Attending were R.E.Kt. John Roberts, Provincial Prior of Middlesex; R.E.Kt. Trevor Gulliver, KCT, Past Provincial Prior of Hampshire & Isle of Wight; and V.E.Kt. Noel Grout P.2ndGt.Con. Past Provincial Sub-Prior of Kent along with distinguished guests from other Orders in Surrey.

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey

The Provincial Prior, R.E.Kt. Patrick P Crossan, declared the meeting open and the Provincial Vice Chancellor, E.Kt. Dr Miguel Godfrey, read the permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting.

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey

The Provincial Prior welcomed everyone to the first Virtual Annual Meeting of our Province and said he was delighted to be able to welcome everyone. He said that this was somewhat of an unusual forum for our annual meeting, constrained as we were in our planning by the Covid-19 regulations, but nevertheless he hoped everyone would enjoy the occasion and he looks forward to ‘normal’ service for our Malta meeting in September.

A requiem in memory of Brother Knights who have passed to Higher Service since the last Provincial Meeting was given. The Provincial Vice-Chancellor read the list of the thirteen Brother Knights of the Province who have been summoned to the presence of our Great Captain of salvation. The Provincial Prelate led the requiem in the memory of the departed Knights, followed by a prayer.

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey

The Provincial Prior then instructed the Provincial Registrar to call the Roll of Preceptories. The Provincial Registrar confirmed that all of the Preceptories were well represented.

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey

After the minutes had been approved and the reports taken the Provincial Prior called upon the Provincial Treasurer, E.Kt. Graham Best, to read the list of donations to charity: These donations were approved by the Bro. Knights.

After the regular business had been completed the Provincial Prior confirmed the reappointment of E.Kt. Peter Brown as Provincial Sub-Prior. He said that E.Kt. Peter Brown has served as his Provincial Sub-Prior for two years. His support, encouragement & experienced counsel have fully justified his decision and without hesitation he re-appoints him as Provincial Sub-Prior.

The Provincial Prior then asked the Provincial Vice Chancellor to read the names of those Bro. Knights he is re-appointing, appointing or promoting in Provincial Priory saying to the outgoing Officers: “I would like to thank the outgoing Officers for their support, Commitment and perseverance when we were unable to visit our Preceptories and other Provinces together due to the Covid lockdown. From September, when we can reconvene meetings with fewer restrictions, I have asked our Provincial Vice-Chancellor to offer you the opportunity to join the Executive on our forthcoming Official Visits. I do hope that this will, in some small measure, contribute to the enjoyment of your year in Office."

To the incoming Officers: “As it is not possible for incoming Officers to be presented to me at this Virtual Business Meeting we will therefore call the roll of Officers for the ensuing year and then I will address you as a group. Hopefully I will be able to meet with you at the Provincial Priory of Malta meeting at Surbiton on 17 September”.

The Provincial Warden of Regalia, E.Kt. Steve Jones, made a presentation to the R.E. Provincial Prior of £420.29 from recycled regalia sales.

The next item was to confirm the appointments of the Commander, Deputy Commander, Registrar and Members of the Provincial Prior’s Body Guard. The Provincial Prior re-appointed E.Kt. Alan Carroll as Commander, Kt. Charles Hoad as Deputy Commander and E.Kt. Ken Chandler as Registrar.

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey

The main item on the agenda was to receive an address from the Provincial Prior. In his Address he talked about how the pandemic has impacted on society and how we have had to learn to cope with the changes and to help each other.

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey

The Provincial Prior then thanked everyone for their attendance and support; and invited everyone to join him in reciting the Lord’s Prayer. He then declared the Virtual Business Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Surrey closed saying may our Great Captain of Salvation keep you safe within the palms of his hands and keep you.

Click here to read the Address by the Provincial Prior.

Article and photos by Chris Eley